A GICC2 (Gestion des Impacts du Changement Climatique) initiative from the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) and MEDDTL (French Department of Environment, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing).
Global warmth is a worldwide problem which features singularly well the type of relations that link mankind to its environment. While there are many crucial practical issues that will impact human societes to address urgently at local as well as global scale, on the theoretical side, global warmth is a real opportunity for a better understanding of HES (Human-Environment Systems) functioning.
EXCLIM research program considers the migratory movements —either transnationals or locals— due to environmental degradations caused by global warmth. It focus on a series of cases in different parts of the world (Greece, Italy, Maldives, Bengladesh, Niger, Turkey, USA). A comparative approach that points out similarities and differences between the form of the different migratory movements, in relation with the political, economic and environmental context as well as with the cultural background. The objective is to examine how these migrations can become an adaptative process in response to environmental degradation, and how they can this new phenomemon can be managed, with the participation of the concerned populations, to make it an opportunity instead of a disaster. This research also highlights the inequities between different world regions in relation to the consequences of climate change.
Started in 2009
Contact: François Mancebo – francois.mancebo@univ-reims.fr